Cliff & Barb Chapman Absolute NetAuction

Auction starts: March 25, 2021 at 01:00 PM EST , Closing begins: March 29, 2021 at 01:00 PM EST
Scottsville, NY


John Deere A late 1930's, narrow front end tractor, with power block for pulling, older restoration, needs battery, running within the last 2 years
1935 John Deere B tractor, 4 bolt front unstyled tractor with spoke wheels. Beautifully restored serial #2084.
Cockshutt 35 tractor, wide front end, fully restored to new condition. 
John Deere D tractor, SN 158194, older restoration, very nice condition, running as of 3/4
1937 John Deere Unstyled A tractor, narrow front end, hand start, running within the last 2 years
1938 John Deere L tractor, SN 622152, older restoration, belt pully, nice condition, running within the last 2 years
1955 Cockshutt 20 tractor, original condition, stored inside, NOT running
1937 Case C tractor, older resoration, nice condition
Flather metal lathe, single phase, 4ft bed, tooling on the unit
Steel cabinet with tooling
Brideport Mill three phase with extra converter and extra converter box, variable speed
Parts washer with circulation pump
Walker Turner band saw
Delta RC 33, 13in planer
Craftsman rolling toolbox completely full of tooling, drill bits and quality tools 
Antique Coca Cola cooler
Oxy-Acetylene torch outfit cart, regulators and hoses - includes tank
Router Table
Belt Sander
Punch Press 
DBW-15 Welder annealing outfit for banding
Drill Press on Stand
Ingersoll Rand upright 5hp air compressor
Small wood stove
Rolling Cabinet with hardware
Schwinn bicycle 
Rolling Box with air cylinders and parts, cutters, blades and more
Corner contents including many old John Deere parts
Box of tools rasps, solder, punches and more
Stihl 028WB  Chainsaw
Stihl 015 Chainsaw
Stihl 030av Chainsaw
(2) Boxes Carbs and Mags
Pedestal Grinder
Floor Polisher 
Shadow Box
Metal grinder in case
Milwaukee Sawzall 
Climbers and harness
Welding Helmet
Box of toys
International hydraulic unit
Painter, saws and jump pack
(2) Battery chargers
Hand tools sander, drill, grinder, saw
(3) Welding helmets
Antifreeze and gas cans
Shop stool
Box full of magnetos
Approximately (20) C clamps
Box of old wrenches 
Large lot of craftsman and open end wrenches 
Kwik-Way valve grinder
Adjustable torque control
Goulds well pump
Bench drill press with vice
Bench Grinder
3/4 in Socket set and (2) tool boxes with tools
Corner contents wrenches, pullers, sockets many are sk, hones, hammers, supplies, braze rod, vice, full tool box
Corner Shelving with contents, large variety
Steel table with contents and roller, table with stand
Welding Leads
(2) Pole Lights and electric heater
Pallet of old tools
Tire Chains
Come-alongs and I beam on wall
Pull sprayer and push seeder
Gen set with 4 cycle Wisconsin power
Hardwood rough cut lumber
Fairbanks-Morse 3hp Z hit and miss engine on running gear
Floor Jack
Thermos grill two go
Tote full of tractors and implement manuals
(2) Pallets of John Deere parts block, heads, flywheels, Tinwook weights and more
Appx half a barrel of UTF hyd oil
Homemade rocking horse, 9 1/2 hands tall
Corner lot with scrap iron, mower deck, electric wire and more
Corner lot with large quantity of new steel, angle, flat and round stock
Pallet of 4 sheeves
2 small rolls of triplex cable
Expandable scaffold plank
(2) antique light posts
John Deere trailer plow for parts
13ft 8 in I beam and 1 in steel plate
Old wagon running gear
John Deere 2 bottom plow
John Deere 3 bottom trailer plow, with coulters and coverboards
International 3 bottom trailer plow with Hyd. Cylinder
2 tractor rims
Slip scraper
John Deere cart, small running gear and plastic wagon
(2) John Deere wheel centers, skid steer wheel and tire and rear weight
Pallet with 3 sets of tractor tire chains
Cub Cadet tractor, NOT running
John Deere spoke wheel and tractor front wheel and tire
6ft 3pt back blade
3pt boom pole
John Deere snow blade for a Gator
Dual wheel spacer
Yard cart
Rolling A frame with trolly and chain fall
(3) wooden extension ladders
Pallet of electric cords and hoses
Pallet of mechanical and Hyd jacks
(2) pallets of misc steel
Steel ramps, 6.5 ft
Pallet of mixed tires and wheels
1995 Corn Pro 16ft fender trailer, 14,000 GVW, fold up ramps, VIN: 4MJUB1422SE010580 
Fiberglass canoe
(2) walking plows and pallet of plow points
Syracuse walking plow
Shop stool and dolly
Pallet of scrap metal and shafts
Pallet of hand tools
Echo string trimmer
(2) trolly's
Shoemaker batter charger
Sandblast pot
Sandblast pot
Engine stand
(2) vinyl replacement windows
Tow behind yard vac system with Honda engine
Wheel barrow
Pallet of straps, tractor seat and fan

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